What is The Force?: An amateur press alliance (APA) devoted to Star Wars, general science fiction, and anything else that interests its membership. This is done in print format where a member can express their opinions and creativity to an audience of people with similar interests. For more information on what an APA is, click below on "Introduction to APAs".
Goal of The Force: To provide a home for Star Wars fans.
How do I join?: Contact the Central Mailer (CM) at Quigonjdi1@aol.com to get details on the next deadline and current copy count, then send in \$5 and your stapled, collated zine to the CM by the deadline. (A "zine" is a "magazine" written by you that contains whatever viewpoints and comments you choose to include.) The \$5 will start your account and will go exclusively to cover your share of APA expenses (postage, staples, envelopes, xeroxing of the bulletin and covers, etc.)
. For more information regarding membership, click below on "The Force Constitution" and "The Force Guidelines".
"Spec" copies of previous issues are available for purchase if you'd like to see what you're getting into.
Deadlines: Every two months in February, April, June, August, October and December, on the second Monday of the month.
Minimum Activity Requirement: 4 pages every 3 mailings (6 months).
Roster Size: There is a maximum of 50 members on the roster, with additional participants on the waitlist. We currently have spots open on the roster.
Founder and Central Mailer: WAPA member, former APA-LSH and APADimentia member, and former Interlac and Crystal Images CM, Shonna Okada.
All images and characters are copyright the original owners and are used here for informational purposes.
site is owned by Shonna.
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