The Force is a bi-monthly publishing alliance devoted to Star Wars, Science Fiction, popular culture and all other topics of interest to its participants.
This constitution is intended as a general framework for the APA and not a thorough listing of rules governing the APA. It is recommended that The Force govern itself primarily through common sense, common courtesy, a spirit of friendliness and tolerance, freedom of expression, the treatment of fellow members as one would have them treat oneself, and the discretion of the Central Mailer (CM).
The founder also suggests that the "The Force Guidelines" and "The Force Introduction to APAs" be referred to if guidance is sought in matters seemingly left unclear by this constitution.
Roster Size, Minac, Copy Count: Membership is limited to 50 roster slots. The minimum activity requirement is 4 collated pages in any 3 consecutive mailings. The required number of copies of each contribution will be set by the Central Mailer, but is not to exceed 60. Members will be encouraged to contribute copies beyond that if there's need for "overrun mailings" to go to additional waitlisters.
APA Finances: General APA and ordinary distribution expenses will be divided evenly among the members. Failure to maintain a positive account is grounds for being dropped from the roster. Accounts of departing members and waitlisters are forfeited to the APA.
Joining The Force: To join The Force, prospective members must send $5 to the Central Mailer and submit a collated, stapled contribution of 4 pages or more.
The Waitlist: If the membership roster is full, prospective members can join by sending in $5 and being placed on a waitlist. Waitlisters will have the opportunity to advance to the roster as openings occur, in the order in which they joined the waitlist, by submitting a contribution of 4 or more pages by the next deadline after they're invited in. At the CM's discretion, an invited-in waitlister can be given an extension on that invited-in period.
Waitlisters are heartily encouraged to contribute to all mailings.
During their time on the waitlist, waitlisters will receive each bulletin and at least one mailing. Other mailings will be sent to the waitlister if he or she requests them and if extra mailings are available.
Waitlisters must acknowledge receipt of the bulletin to the CM. Failure to do so for two consecutive mailings is grounds for being dropped from the waitlist.
Mailings for Sale: Mailings for sale for you to give to prospective members are available to members and waitlisters for $2 plus postage.
Distribution of Mailings: Mailings will be distributed in the following order: first to members, second to invited-in waitlisters, third to new waitlisters, fourth to contributing waitlisters (if they request a copy), fifth to non-contributing waitlisters (if they request a copy), sixth to members purchasing extra copies and seventh to waitlisters purchasing extra copies.
Central Mailer's Duties: The Central Mailer is responsible for distributing mailings; setting deadlines; writing a bulletin for each mailing (which will cover general APA business and present a complete statement of The Force finances); appointing a deputy to serve in case of absence; and interpreting the constitution.
Amending the Constitution: Proposed amendments to The Force constitution must be submitted to the CM with the signatures of at least 5 members. A 4-month debating period will follow before the proposal is brought to a vote of the full membership. A majority of the voting membership is required to approve the proposed amendment.
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